MTA bus X37: map, schedule, stops and alerts
The bus operates between Bay Ridge and Midtown Manhattan Express and serves 55 stops which are listed below.
Getting around New York City
- E 57 ST/MADISON AVServed lines: SIM8 | SIM8X | SIM25 | SIM31 | X27 | X28 | X37 | X38
- 5 AV/W 52 STServed lines: X27 | X28 | X37 | X38
- 5 AV/W 44 STServed lines: X27 | X28 | X37 | X38 | X68
- 5 AV/W 41 STServed lines: X27 | X28 | X37 | X38
- 5 AV/W 35 STServed lines: BXM9 | BXM10 | BXM11 | X27 | X28 | X37 | X38
- 5 AV/W 30 STServed lines: X27 | X28 | X37 | X38
- E 23 ST/BROADWAYServed lines: M23+ | SIM4C | SIM10 | SIM31 | SIM33C | X27 | X28 | X37 | X38 | X63 | X64 | X68
- E 23 ST/PARK AV SServed lines: BM1 | BM2 | BM3 | BM4 | M23+ | SIM3 | SIM10 | SIM31 | X37 | X38
- E 23 ST/3 AVServed lines: BM1 | BM2 | BM3 | BM4 | M23+ | SIM3 | SIM6 | SIM10 | SIM11 | SIM31 | X37 | X38 | X63 | X64
- E 23 ST/1 AVServed lines: M9 | X37 | X38
- WAKEMAN PL/RIDGE BLServed lines: X27 | X37
- WAKEMAN PL/3 AVServed lines: X27 | X37
- BAY RIDGE AV/3 AVServed lines: B9 | B64 | X27 | X37
- BAY RIDGE AV/COLONIAL RDServed lines: B9 | B64 | X27 | X37
- SHORE RD/BAY RIDGE AVServed lines: X27 | X37
- SHORE RD/72 STServed lines: X27 | X37
- SHORE RD/BAY RIDGE PKYServed lines: X27 | X37
- SHORE RD/79 STServed lines: X27 | X37
- SHORE RD/83 STServed lines: X27 | X37
- SHORE RD/88 STServed lines: B16 | X27 | X37
- SHORE RD/91 STServed lines: B16 | X27 | X37
- SHORE RD/OLIVER STServed lines: B16 | X27 | X37
- SHORE RD/RIDGE BLServed lines: B16 | X27 | X37
- SHORE RD/97 STServed lines: B16 | X27 | X37
- SHORE RD/99 STServed lines: B16 | X27 | X37
- 3 AV/SHORE RDServed lines: B16 | X27 | X37
- 3 AV/MARINE AVServed lines: B16 | B37 | X27 | X37
- MARINE AV/4 AVServed lines: B16 | X27 | X37
- 4TH AV/SHORE RDServed lines: X27 | X37