MTA bus M98: map, schedule, stops and alerts
The bus operates between Washington Heights and Upper East Side LTD and serves 35 stops which are listed below.
Getting around New York City
- FT WASHINGTON AV/W 190 STServed lines: M4 | M98
- FT WASHINGTON AV/W 187 STServed lines: M4 | M98
- FT WASHINGTON AV/W 185 STServed lines: M4 | M98
- FT WASHINGTON AV/W 183 STServed lines: M4 | M98
- FT WASHINGTON AV/W 181 STServed lines: M4 | M98
- W 178 ST/BROADWAYServed lines: BX11 | BX13 | BX36 | M98
- W 178 ST/ST NICHOLAS AVServed lines: M98
- W 178 ST/AUDUBON AVServed lines: M98
- PARK AV/E 125 STServed lines: M98
- LEXINGTON AV/E 116 STServed lines: M98 | M101 | M102 | M103
- LEXINGTON AV/E 106 STServed lines: M98 | M101 | M102 | M103
- LEXINGTON AV/E 96 STServed lines: BXM1 | M98 | M101 | M102 | M103
- LEXINGTON AV/E 86 STServed lines: BXM1 | M98 | M101 | M102 | M103
- LEXINGTON AV/E 79 STServed lines: BXM1 | M98 | M101 | M102 | M103
- LEXINGTON AV/E 72 STServed lines: M98 | M101 | M102 | M103
- LEXINGTON AV/E 68 STServed lines: M98